๐๏ธ API Keys
Ory Network Project APIs are separated into:
๐๏ธ CORS
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism to allow cross-origin requests. CORS is a relaxation of the same-origin policy
๐๏ธ Custom Domains
To use the Ory Network on one or more domains that you own, you can set a CNAME record.
๐๏ธ Pagination
Pagination is a strategy that limits access to large datasets by dividing the data into manageable chunks or "pages." This
๐๏ธ Workspaces & Environments
Ory Network has introduced two key concepts to simplify and streamline the management of multiple projects: Workspaces and
๐๏ธ Rate limits
This page provides a high level overview of the rate limiting mechanisms employed by Ory to ensure system security and
๐๏ธ Ory Network IP Addresses
To enhance your security measures while using the Ory Network, we've narrowed down the source IP addresses for all of our egress
๐๏ธ Eventual consistency
Ory Network is a global, planet-spanning system with data distributed across numerous continents. To enhance query performance,
๐๏ธ Usage-based billing
While we are rolling out usage-based billing, we will not collect payment for overusage. Payment collection will be rolled out